How do we come up with concepts for our projects? Find the diagrams below where we explain how concepts are formed and how each one of our unique projects arrived at it’s final design through extensive research, diagramming, and studies.
The above series of diagrams and presentation created by our design team showcases how we come up with concepts and ideas for our projects. Many projects start with concepts that relate to site, location, culture, or are a response to problems and issues. The designs then start to manifest through studies, diagrams, and research to arrive at a final design that the client agrees on.
After the design and concept stage, the project goes through multiple stages and different teams at NAB that work on the mechanics of any given project. There is great coordination between all departments such as structure, mechanical, HVAC, interior design, working drawings, and all team members to ensure smooth workflow and transition between members of every team. Eventually, the design for the project is complete in all aspects and is then sent to our construction supervision team to overlook all aspects of the project on site and in office to end up with an outstanding project for ultimate client satisfaction.